Monday, March 31, 2008


One element of globalization I like is food. I really enjoy chinese food, but I am canadian. All grocery stores sell products from around the world. The idea for salad dressing came from around Italy and Greece. We have adopted recipes from other countries for our many meals. We have now become accustomed to eat products of food from across the ocean!


DeVar Dahl said...

I like your blog and first paragraph. Can you think of a down side to globalization?

Luke said...

Food Inc is about to start being shown in cinemas. (There's a trailer online if you are interested)

With all due respect, I think you are focusing on the wrong aspect. I like variety too but Chinese food, for instance, is produced here and not shipped from China. Or curries and so on.

There are terrible health consequences because of what we eat, which is largely determined by huge corporations through the power of advertising.

The obesity epidemic is but one manifestation of what's wrong with what most of us eat.

The Japanese have the highest life expectancy on earth and there are good arguments that this is primarily due to the kind of food they eat.

Also, take a look at immigrants from say China. You hardly ever see obesity. I live in Vancouver where there are many second or third generations of people of Chinese descent. Many of them are fat. (There would be nothing wrong with being fat if the health consequences weren't so severe.)

They like so many (but most certainly not me) eat at McDonalds etc.

Fast Food Nation is a book title and also a video. (I have both out from the library but haven't read/watched it.) Supersize Me is a video about a guy who eats only at McDonalds for a month and in terms of his experiment has to eat supersized portions whenever offered (which is just about always). He had severe health problems. The video has been criticised with reason (who eats nothing but Big Macs?) but watch it and you'll see there is a message in there.

P.S. I stumbled upon your blog because of the Oka entry. It's a topic I have written about, demonstrated against and compiled a video and I temporarily had forgotten - getting old - the date of the SQ assault (July 11, 1990).

Good luck to you