Wednesday, May 14, 2008

European Imperialism

European Imperialism is when the europeans thought they were the best country and everyone should have the same culture as them. so they tried to culturize the world as Europeans. They would use smaller countries to gain profit from. The first country they imperialized was Africa, but they used the africans as slaves. They would put Europeans into the countries to culturize them. They also used imperialism to import spices and goods from other countries. That was one of the ways for them to gain profit. It would probably also insure army allys, because they would be in control of the country culture wise. But this also brought great fear to people because they were afraid to lose their identity. Japan and the United States soon adopted imperialism as well, but Japan didn’t use Africans for slavery in their country. I do not think it was good of them to imperialize because they did not treat people with the right respect.

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