Monday, June 16, 2008


Stewardship is the individual's responsibility to manage his life and property with proper regard to the rights of others. What I can do as an individual can change a lot, even with only my effort. I could walk more and only drive when I need to go outside of Magrath. When I do go outside of Magrath I can Carpool to produce less pollution if everyone drove. I could recycle more efficiently. Recycle my electronics and paper. I could lessen the amount of garbage I dispose. I can volunteer for highway clean-ups so we don't have so much garbage decomposing and releasing CFCs into the air. I can start a compost so I don't throw so much away. I could walk or ride a bike to work instead of having my family members drive me. When I plan to buy a car I should try to find one that is Eco-friendly and good on gas so I don't pollute so much. If I ever cut down a tree I can plant another one so it is not lessening the oxygen level. I can stop buying excess packaged products. All of these minimal things can make a difference. Even me as an individual can help.

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