Monday, June 16, 2008

More Forestry

b) I believe it was established for groups such as environmental groups, local parks, recreational groups and anyone else who is interested in sustainable forest management so they can bring their ideas together for sustainable forests. many more countries are following our lead (Canada).
c) Environmentalists are helping which is a great thing because that makes forest sustainability prosper because they have SFM. Sustainable Forest Management is management to maintain and enhance the long-term health of forest ecosystems while providing ecological, economic, social and cultural opportunities for the benefit of present and future generations.


1. both because they are both responsible for the prosperity and sustainability. The government can put conservation rights and plans on the forests. Businesses in this case, logging companies, can re-plant trees if there is a clear-cut of groups of trees.
2. I think the increased trade in global economy also increases the amount and speed of deforestation because there are places with less logging resources so they can transport the logs around the world which increases deforestation. Wildlife is decreasing because their habitations are being destroyed with all the logging and the trees not being replaced.
3. I believe deforestation will overtake reforestation so they either give it up for a while or do much less logging.


Stewardship is the individual's responsibility to manage his life and property with proper regard to the rights of others. What I can do as an individual can change a lot, even with only my effort. I could walk more and only drive when I need to go outside of Magrath. When I do go outside of Magrath I can Carpool to produce less pollution if everyone drove. I could recycle more efficiently. Recycle my electronics and paper. I could lessen the amount of garbage I dispose. I can volunteer for highway clean-ups so we don't have so much garbage decomposing and releasing CFCs into the air. I can start a compost so I don't throw so much away. I could walk or ride a bike to work instead of having my family members drive me. When I plan to buy a car I should try to find one that is Eco-friendly and good on gas so I don't pollute so much. If I ever cut down a tree I can plant another one so it is not lessening the oxygen level. I can stop buying excess packaged products. All of these minimal things can make a difference. Even me as an individual can help.

Democratic Republic of Congo

a) After the age of fifteen Edmund Morel worked for Elder Dempster steamship company in Liverpool. While working there he noticed that thousands of rifles and huge quantities of cartridges were being sent to the Congo, but relatively few trade goods, and definately not enough to consider the quantities of rubber and ivory obtained in return. Edmund resigned and started a campaign that resulted in the formal establishment of the Congo Reform Association in 1904 a movement sustained by Arthur Conan Doyle, Roger Casement, and lots of other members of the liberal establishment. Doyle admired Edmund and cast him as the journalist Edward D. Malone in his novel The Lost World.

b) If the Congo Free State existed in the 21st century, Edmund could have used email, internet, T.V., cellphone, phone, Facebook, and much more technology to get his message spread.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Baseball Diamond

Dear journal,

Today this research scientist told us that oil has been discovered underneath our lucky baseball diamond! But we haven't lost a game on that field for three consecutive seasons. A global oil company is going to buy our diamond, but they may or may not choose to develop it. One good thing out of this that the company offers to build us a new diamond and sponsor the league using profits from its oil development here and around the world. I personally am satisfied because we didn't win for three consecutive seasons because we played on that field. It's our skill and determination that gets us the win. And also if we have a sponsor we can get better equipment and uniforms! And with a new diamond we could have more seating and more people can come watch us. I believe this will be good for us. Change is good.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

United Nations

a) The term 'Genocide' was coined by a jurist named Raphael Lemkin in 1944 by combining the Greek word 'genos' (race) with the Latin word 'cide' (killing). Genocide as defined by the United Nations in 1948 means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, including: (a) killing members of the group (b) causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group (c) deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part (d) imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group (e) forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
They are trying to cover up their mistakes to make it look like it didn't even happen.

b) I think that this claim proves a good point. The way the Europeans treated the natives in the residential schools was genocide. They physically, mentally, and even sexually harassed the students. They wouldn't let them practice their native language and they had to stop all their cultural ways and convert to Christianity. The Europeans wouldn't let the students see their parents for 10 months out of the year, so the children had no good role models. Without these residential schools the native culture would be stronger and better today.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

European Imperialism

European Imperialism is when the europeans thought they were the best country and everyone should have the same culture as them. so they tried to culturize the world as Europeans. They would use smaller countries to gain profit from. The first country they imperialized was Africa, but they used the africans as slaves. They would put Europeans into the countries to culturize them. They also used imperialism to import spices and goods from other countries. That was one of the ways for them to gain profit. It would probably also insure army allys, because they would be in control of the country culture wise. But this also brought great fear to people because they were afraid to lose their identity. Japan and the United States soon adopted imperialism as well, but Japan didn’t use Africans for slavery in their country. I do not think it was good of them to imperialize because they did not treat people with the right respect.